Would You Consider THIS Royal?

Spending all day relaxing by the pool, or by a lake, will be exchanged for notebooks and pencils as we get ready for a new school year. As cider mills and apple orchards reopen, we will begin enjoying our yummy cider and donuts once again. We will soon get back to sweater weather and warming up by the fire, surrounded by friends and family. Officially the end of summer is not until September 22nd, but with some already starting school and others beginning next week, we’ll be sure to enjoy our last hoorah! September may bring some end of summer blues, but thankfully, we have one last chance to soak up the sun or have a BBQ for Labor Day Weekend. We get our last look at the blue skies and crystal clear blue water, just like September’s birthstone, sapphire.


September Birthstone:


Sapphire is typically a beautiful blue color and is a perfect memory of our summer days. It is a precious gemstone, a variety of the mineral corundum, an aluminum oxide. Throughout history, various cultures have attributed mystical powers to sapphires. In ancient times, it was believed that sapphires protected their wearers from evil. In the middle ages, Europeans believed that sapphires preserved chastity. Sapphires have been used to symbolize nobility and faithfulness.

 Fun Facts:

-Corundum is a mineral that is in both sapphire and ruby. Sapphires come in a rainbow variety of colors, yellows, oranges, pinks, greens, etc. except for red, because then, it would be considered a ruby.

-Sapphire is a gemstone often associated with royalty and dignity, commonly found in the crowns and jewelry of kings and queens. In fact, Princess Diana wore a sapphire as her engagement ring.

-Tradition says that the Ten Commandments were created and carved from two sapphire tablets.

How to Wear sapphire:

Sapphire can be mixed and matched with different stones and different necklaces and lengths. You can mix this precious stone with different metals as well, as seen in our example, we mixed sapphire with silver and yellow gold.
 Sapphire can even be worn in the simplest of styles. In this photo, we put a sapphire ring with a bracelet made by one of our local artists, BabyJane. This pairing is super cute!

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